Dr. Felicitas Flade


Seit 11/2017
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl Sozial- und Rechtspsychologie, JGU Mainz

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Social Cognition Center Cologne, Universität zu Köln

09/2013 bis 09/2014
Masterstudium M.Sc. (Taught) Political Psychology an der Queen’s University Belfast, Nordirland

10/2010 bis 09/2013
Bachelorstudium an der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg



  • Soziale Kategorisierung
  • Intergruppen-Gesichtserkennung (Other-'race' effect)
  • Stereotypen & Vorurteile
  • Intergruppenkonflikte
  • Verschwörungsdenken (v.a. Wissenschaftskommunikation)


Flade, F., & Imhoff, R. (in press). Closing a conceptual gap in race perception research: A functional integration of the other-race face recognition and “Who said what?” paradigms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Preprint: https://osf.io/preprints/osf/w8uxj [Open materials and data]

Flade, F., Messer, M., & Imhoff, R. (in press). Confronting consumers’ complicity: Do confrontations with causal responsibility for sweatshop labor raise moral obligation? International Review of Social Psychology. [Open materials and data]

Flade, F. (2020). Unpacking the boxes we put people in - On the symmetry, contextual malleability, and maintenance of social categorization. [Dissertation]. [frei zugängliche Onlinepublikation]

Flade, F., Klar, Y., & Imhoff, R. (2019). Unite against: A common threat invokes spontaneous decategorization between social categories. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [Open materials and data]

Imhoff, R., Koch, A., & Flade, F. (2018). (Pre)occupations: A data-driven model of jobs and its consequences for categorization and evaluation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [Open materials and data]



01/2016 – 02/2016 Forschungsaufenthalt in Tel Aviv/ Reisestipendium

Two-month scholarship (research visit at Tel Aviv University, Israel, Prof. Yechiel Klar) within the Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Program of Cost Action IS 1205: Social Psychological Dynamics of Historical Representations in the Enlarged European Union, co-funded by the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, 2016


Felicitas Flade ist aktives Mitglied in dem Fachnetzwerk Sozialpsychologie zu Flucht und Integration (FSFI, http://www.fachnetzflucht.de) und war Mitglied der COST Action IS1205 "Social Psychological Dynamics of Historical Representations in the Enlarged European Union".